Erasmus+ programme 2021/2027
Erasmus mobility for Teaching

Erasmus mobility for Teaching
Erasmus funding is available for staff as well as students. If you are a member of the academic teaching staff employed by the New Bulgarian University you may be eligible for funding to teach at another institution that participates in Erasmus.
Teaching must take place in a Higher Education Institution which holds an Erasmus University Charter. Priority is given to teachers going abroad for the first time. There is an obligation to deliver at least eight hours of teaching.
Financial benefits
A contribution towards travel costs: Travel grants are paid according to distance travelled - from the location of the sending organisation to that of the receiving organisation.
A contribution towards subsistence costs, which are calculated on a flat rate basis, depending on the country visited.
Supplementary allowances may also be available for staff with special needs.
All Erasmus funding is paid prior to the completion of the staff mobility period.
An Institutional Agreement must be in place by the summer before the academic year in which the staff teaching mobility is due to take place.
Institutional Agreements can only be signed by NBU’s Erasmus Coordinator.
Specific grant documentation must be completed before the Erasmus funding is released.
If the Institutional Agreement involves an incoming member of staff, the receiving department/faculty would be responsible for organising their teaching arrangements.
Visiting academic staff would be responsible for their own accommodation and would claim Erasmus funding from their home institution.